Powdercoated kettlebells with / without rubber foot Filters Sort by:DefaultPopularityNewest productsLowest priceHighest priceName ascendingName descendingRaster4kg kettlebell with coloured ring € 12,- Compare Compare6kg kettlebell with coloured ring € 18,- Compare Compare8kg kettlebell with coloured ring € 24,- Compare Compare10kg kettlebell with coloured ring € 30,- Compare Compare12kg kettlebell with coloured ring € 36,- Compare Compare14kg kettlebell with coloured ring € 42,- Compare Compare16kg kettlebell with coloured ring € 48,- Compare Compare20kg kettlebell with coloured ring € 60,- Compare Compare24kg kettlebell with coloured ring € 72,- Compare Compare28kg kettlebell with coloured ring € 84,- Compare Compare32kg kettlebell with coloured ring € 96,- Compare CompareKettlebells set 4-32kg 10 pieces € 480,- Compare Compare12Next
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4kg kettlebell with coloured ring Brand: FitributionMore informationMake a choice: In stock€ 12,-(€ 14,52 Incl. tax)Aantal12345678910More...Add to cart Enter the number of articles below and click LabelOk
6kg kettlebell with coloured ring Brand: FitributionMore informationMake a choice: In stock€ 18,-(€ 21,78 Incl. tax)Aantal12345678910More...Add to cart Enter the number of articles below and click LabelOk
8kg kettlebell with coloured ring Brand: FitributionMore informationMake a choice: Out of stock€ 24,-(€ 29,04 Incl. tax)Aantal12345678910More...Add to cart Enter the number of articles below and click LabelOk
10kg kettlebell with coloured ring Brand: FitributionMore informationMake a choice: In stock€ 30,-(€ 36,30 Incl. tax)Aantal12345678910More...Add to cart Enter the number of articles below and click LabelOk
12kg kettlebell with coloured ring Brand: FitributionMore informationMake a choice: In stock€ 36,-(€ 43,56 Incl. tax)Aantal12345678910More...Add to cart Enter the number of articles below and click LabelOk
14kg kettlebell with coloured ring Brand: FitributionMore informationMake a choice: In stock€ 42,-(€ 50,82 Incl. tax)Aantal12345678910More...Add to cart Enter the number of articles below and click LabelOk
16kg kettlebell with coloured ring Brand: FitributionMore informationMake a choice: In stock€ 48,-(€ 58,08 Incl. tax)Aantal12345678910More...Add to cart Enter the number of articles below and click LabelOk
20kg kettlebell with coloured ring Brand: FitributionMore informationMake a choice: In stock€ 60,-(€ 72,60 Incl. tax)Aantal12345678910More...Add to cart Enter the number of articles below and click LabelOk
24kg kettlebell with coloured ring Brand: FitributionMore informationMake a choice: In stock€ 72,-(€ 87,12 Incl. tax)Aantal12345678910More...Add to cart Enter the number of articles below and click LabelOk
28kg kettlebell with coloured ring Brand: FitributionMore informationMake a choice: In stock€ 84,-(€ 101,64 Incl. tax)Aantal12345678910More...Add to cart Enter the number of articles below and click LabelOk
32kg kettlebell with coloured ring Brand: FitributionMore informationMake a choice: In stock€ 96,-(€ 116,16 Incl. tax)Aantal12345678910More...Add to cart Enter the number of articles below and click LabelOk
Kettlebells set 4-32kg 10 pieces Brand: FitributionMore informationMake a choice: In stock€ 480,-(€ 580,80 Incl. tax)Aantal12345678910More...Add to cart Enter the number of articles below and click LabelOk